The Book
It is the story of the dachshund, in its nine varieties, told in 250 pages, through words and images. A charming
and engaging tale, as are all those stories, who have intelligence and heart as the main character. This fascinating
journey is outlined by Patrizio Marcelli through time and is confirming what Victor Hugo wrote: “What the fable
invented, the story told.” The true tale of the dachshund starts in Germany. It is immediately enriched by as many
chapters as the number of varieties of this breed of dog, each with its special skills that makes it unique. All the
different varieties concur to enrich the wonderful tree of life for this race, that is becoming more and more popular.
The dachshund is so loved because of its gifts, characteristics, aesthetics and ability to become the main character of
everyday family and sport life.
The author of this book has made original and valuable historical and scientific findings which are still very important
and current for today’s dachshunds.
Precious antique images (some have the suggestion and the charm of a rediscovery), are a testimony that has no
equal, a valuable document not only for the growing number of breeders, experienced judges and technicians but
for all followers of this breed. A breed that is continuously gaining more and more attention for its number of skills
and versatility.
Francesco Balducci
President ENCI
(National Board of Italian Cynophiles)
The dachshund is known from the Middle Ages as a dog suited for hunting in a den but it also shows excellent performance
on the surface, finding the furred game, pursuing it and following the track of blood.
Classified in nine races of three distinct dimensions for chest circumference: Kaninchen (up to 30 cm), Warf (30
to 35 cm) and Standard (35 cm and weighing up to 10 Kg) and with three different types of hair (short, long and
wire), this dog is since more than a century one of the symbols of Germany and is group IV of the FCI classification.
The Germans do not even consider it as a dog but a member of their own family and have always maintained all
of its hunting qualities. The Dachshund, always living in close contact with man, became also a good guard dog
(within the limits of its size) and a very good companion dog.
It is certainly one of the most popular dogs in the world.
In Italy, in 1961, the ABC (Friends of Dachshund Club) was established, which promotes and protects the selection
of the race and organizes shows and test trials.
The registration of the dachshund to the ENCI Italian Origin Book (LOI) counts around 25,000 dogs and the
number is growing (year-new enrollments: 1990-920; 2000-1552; 2010-2870; 2012-estimated 3100).
What you are about to read and especially to see is a book of printed images that portrays the dachshund since its
origins. Unique in the story telling and in the compilation, the book helps us to understand the reasons for the world
wide spread of this breed and the peculiarities that make it so beloved.
A dachshund is “forever” as the author, Patrizio Marcelli, shows us once again with this beautiful work.
Antonio Palladini
President ABC
The Book "THE DACHSHUND, Paper images of a dog’s tale"
is now avaible for order online!
author: Patrizio Marcelli
Pages: 248